Category Archives: Neb2351

New Chocolate Ice Cream hat now on sale at Hem’s Hats!

“I lurrrrve ice cream! I simply can’t think of a better look for visiting the Summer Fair,” says Bin stylist Tong. “I would suggest pairing this new hat with some colours that remind you of your favourite ice cream flavours.”

Meanwhile, Tink swears that his Chocolate Ice Cream Hat is helping him concentrate in the Gunge Tent. “When the pressure’s on, you need to keep a cool head,” he yells as he races from one button to the next. “Get it?!”

To collect the Ice Cream Hat and earn tokens in the Gunge Tent at the Summer Fair, you’ll need to be a Bin Tycoon Member! To learn more about all the other Bin-tastic stuff you can do with a Tycoon membership, visit the Membership page!

This hat only costs 35 Dosh and as Tong says: Look’s great at the Summer Fair!

Best Nest Issue #47 OUT NOW & New Garden of the Week!

This summer it’s all about colour, colour, and more colour! The Nest Inspector is mad about every colour of the rainbow, and next week he’ll be looking for bold, bright, Bin-tastic SUMMER FAIR rooms! Be sure to deck your rooms out with all the cool prizes you’ve been collecting from the fairground!

For now, check out some great decorating ideas inside the latest issue of Best Nest, out now at Weevil Post, Rigg’s Multiplex!  And of course, don’t let all the Fair fun distract you from tending to your garden. Your plants will certainly need watering in this heat.

When you pop into the Garden Shop for a watering can, take a peek at the newest stunning Garden of the Week! This awesomely aligned garden caught the Garden Inspector’s eye. Not only has this gardener made the most of every available planting space, the stripy effect of planting in rows looks totally cool and unique!

For a chance to send your nest snaps to the Nest Inspector and your garden snaps to the Garden Inspector, you’ll need to be a Bin Tycoon Member. To learn more and find out about all the Bin-tastic stuff you can do as a Bin Tycoon, visit the Membership page.